Blanchard Summit Curated Tracks

Strategy Track

Decoding the Employee Experience

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:00 – 1:40 p.m. 

Presented by Kristin Brookins Costello

Assessing culture, engagement, and experience is a challenging yet vital task for HR and L&D professionals. This session, led by expert Kristin Brookins Costello, will address common measurement obstacles such as low survey participation rates, concerns about anonymity, and the complexity of data interpretation. Attendees will learn how to implement effective feedback and recognition systems without causing survey fatigue, and how to act on feedback efficiently to maintain employee motivation and satisfaction.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn strategies to increase survey participation and ensure honest feedback
  • Understand how to effectively interpret and act on survey data
  • Explore advanced survey software for real-time feedback and analytics

Stretched to the Limit: How Leaders Can Survive and Thrive

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:55 – 2:35 p.m.

Presented by Dr. Jay Campbell

Today’s leaders are in a permanent and often painful stretch between forces. They are asked to fulfill the needs of their organization as communicated from above. They must care for and guide their direct reports to fuel engagement and retention. They’re encouraged to fulfill their own needs to grow, achieve, and progress in their career. And leaders must also manage family commitments, social responsibilities, environmental tradeoffs, and the needs of other stakeholders. These forces stretch today’s leaders to the limit of their capabilities. Join Dr. Jay Campbell for an insightful session exploring practical strategies to help leaders cope with these forces and leverage them to great effect.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into the unique challenges faced by managers
  • Discover best practices for navigating difficult tradeoffs among stakeholders
  • Understand how to foster a supportive environment while achieving critical goals

Using Coaching to Build Leadership Bench Strength

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 2:50 – 3:30 p.m.

Presented by Madeleine Blanchard

Coaching is a powerful tool for developing leadership skills and building bench strength, but it comes with its own set of challenges. High costs, time commitment, finding the right coach, measuring impact, and aligning with organizational goals are just a few of the obstacles HR and L&D professionals face. Join Madeleine Blanchard for an in-depth session that will address these challenges and provide strategies to effectively integrate coaching into your leadership development programs.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into selecting and managing effective coaching relationships
  • Learn how to align coaching with organizational goals and measure its impact
  • Explore scalable coaching solutions that can be implemented across your organization

Generative AI: Impact and Adoption for L&D

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 1:00 – 1:40 p.m.

Presented by April Hennessey

The advent of generative AI presents both opportunities and challenges for learning and development (L&D) professionals. Ensuring content accuracy, addressing ethical concerns, maintaining a human touch, and integrating AI-generated materials with existing programs are key issues to navigate. This session, led by April Hennessey, will equip HR and L&D professionals with the knowledge and strategies needed to leverage generative AI effectively and responsibly in their learning programs.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into the effective and ethical use of generative AI in L&D
  • Learn strategies for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated content
  • Enhance your skills and knowledge to stay current with AI advancements in the L&D field

Aligning HR and L&D Initiatives with Organizational Goals 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 1:55 – 2:35 p.m.

Presented by Butler Newman

Aligning HR and L&D initiatives with overall business strategy is critical for maximizing the impact of development efforts and driving long-term organizational success. However, achieving this alignment is often challenging, requiring deep integration with organizational objectives, constant adaptation to evolving priorities, and effective communication between departments. Join Butler Newman for an insightful session that will provide HR and L&D professionals with the strategies needed to ensure their learning programs support and enhance strategic goals.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn how to foster collaboration between HR, L&D, and leadership teams
  • Discover best practices for adapting learning programs to evolving business priorities
  • Explore using data-driven insights to measure the impact of development initiatives

Innovation and Change Management

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 2:50 – 3:30 p.m.

Presented by Judd Hoekstra

Managing organizational change and ensuring employees are prepared for new processes and technologies is a complex challenge. Effective change management requires strategic planning, comprehensive training solutions, and robust support systems to guide employees through transitions, foster resilience, and maintain productivity. Join Judd Hoekstra for a dynamic session that will equip HR and L&D professionals with the tools and strategies needed to develop change-ready leaders and teams.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn strategies for training employees to adapt to new processes and technologies
  • Discover best practices for managing organizational transitions while maintaining productivity
  • Understand how to implement strategic training solutions that address employee concerns and minimize disruption

Design Track

Leveraging Design Thinking for Leadership Development

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:00 – 1:40 p.m.

Presented by Britney Cole

Incorporating design thinking into leadership development offers a structured yet innovative approach to creating cohesive and scalable training experiences. However, challenges such as fragmented training, diverse leadership needs, immediate skill applicability, and global relevance require careful navigation. Join Britney Cole as she guides HR and L&D professionals through the process of using design thinking to develop leadership programs that are effective, resource-efficient, and adaptable to various organizational needs.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into the application of design thinking in leadership development
  • Learn how to create scalable and cohesive leadership training experiences
  • Enhance your ability to promote innovation and adaptability in training programs

Maximizing Leadership Potential: 5 Scalable Approaches to Drive Organizational Impact

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:55 – 2:35 p.m.

Presented by Intrepid

Why settle for traditional leadership development when you can unlock transformative and scalable opportunities that directly impact your organization? This session will reveal innovative strategies that empower HR and L&D professionals to solve critical issues, from enhancing engagement to driving strategic change and fostering innovation. Through a real-world example, you'll discover how scalable leadership development can not only meet but exceed your organization’s goals. Learn how to design programs that integrate seamlessly into the flow of work, build strong professional networks, and deliver measurable results that drive ROI and keep teams engaged and motivated.

Session Objectives:

  • Identify Key Opportunities: Understand the most impactful areas where scalable leadership development can solve organizational challenges
  • Design Effective Programs: Learn how to create leadership development initiatives that are engaging, personalized, and aligned with your strategic goals
  • Achieve Tangible Results: Explore how to implement these strategies across diverse and distributed workforces to drive real-world impact and ROI within your organization

Building Powerful Curated Content Designs

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 2:50 – 3:30 p.m.

Presented by Ann Rollins

Successfully leveraging curated content into leadership development experiences presents numerous challenges. Ensuring content relevance and quality, customizing for different leadership roles, integrating seamlessly with existing programs, maintaining engagement, leveraging appropriate technology, measuring effectiveness, managing costs, and navigating legal and ethical considerations all require significant effort. Join Ann Rollins for this comprehensive session that will provide HR and L&D professionals with strategies to overcome these challenges and create cohesive, personalized, and impactful learning experiences tailored to their organization's unique needs and goals.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn strategies for contextualizing and customizing content to different leadership roles
  • Discover best practices for integrating curated content with existing programs
  • Learn how to maintain engagement and leverage the power of multi-modal, spaced learning to its greatest impact in your leadership development experiences

Maximizing Your Investment: The 5 Drivers of Learning Impact

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 1:00 – 1:40 p.m.

Presented by April O'Malley

Organizations invest billions annually in training initiatives aimed at driving growth and enhancing organizational vitality. However, translating these investments into meaningful improvements poses significant challenges. Ensuring that learners apply their new knowledge and skills, overcoming implementation barriers, fostering a supportive learning culture, and providing ongoing reinforcement are critical to achieving training effectiveness. Join April O'Malley for this insightful session to explore The Five Drivers of Learning Impact and learn how to systematically maximize your training investment.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into The Five Drivers of Learning Impact and how they can enhance training effectiveness
  • Learn strategies for designing high-impact development experiences that drive behavior change and skill application
  • Discover best practices for fostering a supportive learning culture and overcoming implementation barriers

Using Neuroscience Principles to Optimize Learning Design

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 1:55 – 2:35 p.m.

Presented by Madeleine Blanchard

Optimizing learning journey effectiveness goes beyond content delivery; it requires a deep understanding of neuroscience principles. Effective learning design must incorporate methods that align with how the brain processes and retains information. Join Madeleine Blanchard for an insightful session that explores how neuroscience can enhance learning designs. Learn to implement spaced learning for better retention, foster social learning to boost engagement, and utilize stacked learning for comprehensive skill development. This session will equip HR and L&D professionals with the knowledge and strategies to create more effective and satisfying learning experiences.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into neuroscience principles and how they can optimize learning design
  • Learn strategies for improving retention and engagement through spaced and social learning
  • Discover the benefits of stacked learning for comprehensive skill development

Proving ROI: Measuring Training Impact

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 2:50 – 3:30 p.m.

Presented by Jim Irvine

Measuring the impact of training effectiveness is sometimes a challenging task for HR and L&D professionals. Accurately assessing whether training objectives are met, evaluating improvements in participants' performance, and demonstrating the ROI of training programs requires robust methodologies and ongoing analysis. Join Jim Irvine for this informative session, where you will learn how to use immediate feedback, follow-up assessments, and performance metrics to evaluate training effectiveness and justify future budgets to senior leadership.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn how to collect and analyze reliable data to demonstrate training impact
  • Discover strategies for using feedback and performance metrics to improve training initiatives
  • Enhance your ability to present quantifiable results to senior leadership

Delivery Track

Balancing Theory and Practice: Keeping It Real

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:00 – 1:40 p.m.

Presented by Jim Irvine

Translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills is a common challenge in training and development. Ensuring that learning is directly applicable to participants' real-world scenarios is essential for effective skill application. Join Jim Irvine for an engaging session that explores strategies to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Learn how to design training that is relevant, actionable, and tailored to everyday work environments, using real-world examples, case studies, and hands-on exercises to enhance practical application.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn strategies for designing relevant and actionable training
  • Discover the benefits of using real-world examples, case studies, and hands-on exercises
  • Enhance your ability to create training programs that effectively bridge the gap between theory and practice

Learner Engagement and Motivation: Putting the Active Into Interactive

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 1:55 – 2:35 p.m.

Presented by Dr. Vicki Halsey

As in-person training opportunities increase, updating delivery skills to keep learners engaged and motivated is essential. This is particularly challenging during long or mandatory sessions where participants may struggle to remain attentive or find the content valuable. Join Dr. Vicki Halsey for an engaging session that explores strategies to enhance in-person training by using interactive activities, real-world examples, and a 6 Step Model. Learn how to focus on practical activities, clearly articulate benefits, link training to personal and professional growth, and spend 70% of the time on hands-on practice to ensure effective learning outcomes.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into effective strategies for enhancing learner engagement and motivation
  • Use a 6 Step Model for engaging your participants and getting the outcomes you need for your organization to thrive through learning
  • Learn how to use interactive activities to keep training relevant and engaging
  • Discover techniques for having participant’s “hear their own voice” during sessions

Bringing Learners into the Real World with Simulations

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 2:50 – 3:30 p.m.

Presented by Advantexe

Bridging the gap between learning and real-world application is a persistent challenge in traditional training. Without practical experience, learners struggle to apply skills, innovate, and make strategic decisions effectively. Join learning specialists from Advantexe for a compelling session that explores how cloud-based business simulations can transform training by providing a risk-free environment for practice and self-correction. Discover how these simulations, akin to flight simulators for pilots, enable participants to navigate real-world scenarios, enhancing their strategic decision-making abilities and overall business performance.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn how cloud-based business simulations provide practical, risk-free environments for skill development
  • Discover the benefits of simulation-based learning for enhancing strategic decision-making and business performance
  • Explore real-world examples and case studies demonstrating the impact of simulation-based learning

Integrating Technology Into L&D Designs

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 1:00 – 1:40 p.m.

Presented by Betty Dannewitz

Integrating technology into L&D designs presents unique challenges, including the rapid pace of technological advancements, ensuring compatibility with existing systems, and balancing innovation with stability. HR and L&D professionals must continuously learn and adapt to effectively implement new tools and platforms. Join Betty Dannewitz for an informative session that will provide strategies for leveraging technology and e-learning platforms for effective training delivery. Learn how to ensure seamless integration, provide digital literacy training, and keep training programs up to date to maximize the benefits of innovative learning solutions.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into effectively integrating technology into L&D designs
  • Understand how to regularly update and adapt training programs to keep pace with technological advancements
  • Explore innovative methods like community driven collaboration and podcasts to engage learners

Learner Time Constraints: I’ll Get Right to the Point

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 1:55 – 2:35 p.m.

Presented by Randy Conley

Balancing training with job responsibilities and personal commitments presents a significant challenge for many learners. Ensuring comprehensive learning and skill development within limited time frames necessitates efficient, focused training solutions. Join Randy Conley for a fast-paced session that will explore strategies to maximize training impact without overwhelming learners or compromising their performance. Learn how to prioritize key topics, provide pre-session materials, and offer follow-up resources to create efficient and effective training programs.

Session Objectives:

  • Gain insights into balancing depth and breadth of content within limited time
  • Learn strategies for prioritizing key topics and breaking content into manageable chunks
  • Discover best practices for providing pre-session materials and follow-up resources

Sneak Peek: The Next Versions of SLII®

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 2:50 – 3:30 p.m.

Presented by Dr. Jay Campbell and Dr. Vicki Halsey

The SLII Experience is Blanchard’s flagship training design, used to teach SLII® to millions of leaders around the world. After years of work, many new versions are headed to market. These new designs are faster, more engaging, and have new tools to help learners better apply SLII® on the job. Join Jay Campbell and Vicki Halsey to learn what new training designs are right around the corner.

Session Objectives:

  • Learn about the latest versions of our flagship The SLII Experience course
  • Preview new tools and technologies
  • Start forming plans to use these new versions in your SLII® rollouts