Give your high potential employees a leadership head start
Your high potential individual contributors thrive on exceeding expectations and tackling new challenges. For those who show leadership potential, it’s critical to provide emerging leader training and learning opportunities to prepare them for future leadership roles in your organization.
Boost engagement
High achievers need career development opportunities to stay engaged in their work.
Retain high performers
Employees are more likely to stay at a company they perceive as having invested in their career.
Create a leadership pool
Organizations that promote from within see increased employee retention and buy-in for management changes.
Demonstrate your values
Investing in exceptional employees, and giving them a path to the leadership team, helps everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
Create a clear path to becoming future leaders
Blanchard believes it’s important to build your leadership talent pool from within. This means identifying your high-performing individual contributors who are demonstrating a passion for leadership. But to make the transition from individual contributor to proactive, assertive leader, emerging leaders must develop the skills to:
- Share information accurately and openly
- Overcome challenges and take risks
- Demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills
- Cultivate curiosity about emerging industry and workplace trends
- Collaborate with and support others
- Work cooperatively with others across the organization
Blanchard views all employees as leaders—all individual contributors lead themselves, while some may also indirectly lead others in projects and teams. Our emerging leader curriculum infuses individual contributors with a leadership mindset and gives them the skills that matter in their work today and pave the way for a formal leadership role. These learners engage with several research-based models that apply to the whole human experience, not just work, serving as a force multiplier of leadership capability.

Help your emerging leaders reach their potential
Work with us to develop communication and connection training plans for your emerging leaders that promote the adoption of new skills. Together, we will formulate a communication strategy that links the goals and objectives of the learning to your operational imperatives, allowing individual contributors to understand the “what’s in it for me” and the importance to the organization. Our individual contributor learning journeys also integrate connection points with a learner’s manager, which enhances motivation, promotes accountability, provides skill application guidance in the context of their work, and reinforces new skills and desired behaviors.