Rebrand Questions
What is the new name of the company?
When will the name change take effect?
May 15, 2023
Why are you changing the name of the company?
Blanchard is the name that many of our clients and learners already call us today. It’s even how we refer to ourselves internally. This transition honors the legacy of our Founder, Ken Blanchard, while also making our shortened and streamlined name synonymous with a way of learning leadership.
Why did you rebrand?
The world has changed a lot in the past few years, and so has Blanchard. We thought it was time to refresh our brand to reflect what our customers have always loved about us AND celebrate how we empower individuals and organizations through our dynamic and human-powered learning experiences.
Will there be any changes to the company's branding or logo?
Yes, there is a company logo and a new symbol used with the wordmark.

What does your tagline, “The Heart of Human Achievement,” mean?
Our refreshed brand centers around one idea: The Heart of Human Achievement™. Our new tagline honors our time-tested head + heart approach to leadership development: the idea that results and kindness can not only coexist but that, together, they maximize achievement.
General Company Questions
Will there be any changes to the company's ownership or management structure?
No, Blanchard continues to be a private family-owned business. The senior management team remains under the leadership of the President, Scott Blanchard.
Will there be any changes to the company's mission or values?
Yes, we have refreshed our vision, mission, and values. You can find them here.
Will there be any changes to your website's functionality or design?
A new Blanchard website launched on May 15, 2023, including all new functionality with an enterprise search feature. We applied the new branding throughout the site along with a better user experience enabling visitors to easily find what they are searching for based on visitor personas, including Learning and Development (L&D) Buyers, Team Leaders, Practitioners, Coaches, and Individuals.
Does this rebranding impact existing agreements or contracts?
No. All existing contracts will remain valid.
Will there be any changes to the billing or payment processes?
Will this impact my day-to-day business transactions?
Our brand refresh will not impact how we work together or any other business transactions. Our support team is here to answer any questions you may have.
Has my point of contact changed?
No. You can expect to be supported by the same team members and contacts.
Is there anything I need to do because of this brand refresh?
Very minimal. Just update your records to reflect our new name, and add to your email contacts and safe sender list (our email domain will be transitioning on June 5).
Products and Services Questions
Will this impact product and service offerings?
No. This is not a fundamental shift to our offerings or programs. Our course information materials may have the new logo and new color palettes applied to their covers, but we aren’t changing their substance as a part of this rebrand.
How will the rebrand affect products or services?
Off-the-shelf materials:
All leader guides, PPT covers, participant workbooks, and additional materials will get new covers, Blanchard logos updated with the new wordmark, and will have updated copyright statements in their footers.
While the cover art is changing for all programs to create a more cohesive product line, the signature colors for each program will reflect the prior designs and model visuals.
Customized materials:
There is no requirement to rebrand existing custom designs or materials. If you wish to receive rebranded existing custom materials, you can send a request to your project manager.
URL and Domain Name Transition Questions
Will Blanchard’s domain name change?
We are officially changing our domain name from to on May 15, 2023, however, our new website will continue to operate simultaneously on until September 1, 2023.
Why are you changing the Domain name of the company?
As we changed the company’s name, it made sense to align the domain name too.
How can clients access your new website?
Type either or into any browser.
How will you direct traffic from the old URLs to the new URLs in the future?
All traffic to will be automatically redirected. Or, simply type into any browser.
Are Blanchard team members’ emails changing?
Team members’ emails will be changing to beginning June 5.
Will my organization receive emails from the new address?
It will depend on the organization’s IT security policy. To ensure that emails successfully get delivered, please notify your IT Department of the updated email so that they can add it to your organization’s safe sender/contact list for incoming and outgoing delivery.
Can I still use the old email address?
You may continue to use as it will be redirected appropriately to ensure no communications are lost. But we recommend updating your contact to the new email address.